Tag: #crime fiction

Crafting the Perfect Ensemble: Exploring Character Types in Crime Fiction Novels


In the intricate web of a crime fiction novel, characters are the linchpin that holds the narrative together. These personalities breathe life into the story, each contributing a unique element to the tapestry of intrigue. In this blog post, we shall delve into the various character types that authors can employ to create compelling crime fiction narratives and invite you to consider which character types resonate with you as a reader.

Chapter 1: The Determined Detective

At the heart of many crime fiction novels lies the indomitable figure of the detective. Whether it’s a hard-boiled private investigator or a brilliant police detective, this character type is marked by unwavering determination and a relentless pursuit of justice. Have you ever found yourself rooting for a detective in a crime novel? What qualities do you admire in them?

Chapter 2: The Cunning Criminal

No crime fiction story is complete without its antagonist – the cunning criminal. These characters are often the architects of complex schemes, pitting their intellect against that of the detective. Can you recall a memorable criminal character from a crime novel you’ve read? What made them compelling as an antagonist?

Chapter 3: The Complicated Antihero

Crime fiction isn’t always black and white. Enter the antihero, a character with a moral compass that often points in shades of gray. These individuals may have a checkered past or operate outside the law, yet they possess a sense of justice that resonates with readers. Have you encountered an antihero character who challenged your perception of right and wrong? What dilemmas did they face?

Chapter 4: The Mysterious Informant

In the shadowy world of crime, informants play a crucial role. These characters often straddle the line between ally and adversary, providing vital information to the detective while protecting their own interests. Have you ever wondered about the motivations of an informant character in a crime novel? How does their loyalty impact the story’s dynamics?

Chapter 5: The Reluctant Bystander

Sometimes, the most compelling characters in crime fiction are not actively involved in solving the crime. They may stumble upon the mystery or be reluctantly dragged into the investigation. Can you think of a character who was an unlikely participant in a crime-solving scenario? How did their perspective add depth to the narrative?

Chapter 6: The Femme Fatale

The femme fatale is a classic character archetype in crime fiction. She is often alluring, enigmatic, and seductive, using her charms to manipulate those around her. Have you encountered a femme fatale character who left a lasting impression? What role did she play in the plot’s development?


In the realm of crime fiction, characters are the building blocks of intrigue and suspense. As you reflect on the various character types discussed in this post, consider which ones resonate with you the most as a reader. Whether it’s the determined detective, the cunning criminal, or the enigmatic femme fatale, the characters you encounter can shape your reading experience and draw you deeper into the world of crime fiction.

As you embark on your own literary journey or continue reading crime fiction, pay attention to the characters you encounter and the roles they play. What draws you to certain character types, and how do they contribute to the richness of the narrative? Share your thoughts and insights with fellow readers and writers, for it is in these discussions that the true magic of crime fiction characters comes to life.

Unveiling the Enigmatic World of Private Investigators in Crime Fiction


In the enthralling realm of crime fiction, where mysteries abound and intrigue lurks around every corner, one character stands as a beacon of truth and justice – the private investigator. In this blog post, we shall embark on a journey to explore the quintessential role of a private investigator within the pages of crime novels.

Chapter 1: The Enigmatic Figure

The private investigator, often shrouded in a cloak of enigma, emerges as the central figure in many crime fiction narratives. They are the individuals who delve into the darkest recesses of human nature, seeking answers where others dare not tread. Their solitary existence and unwavering determination make them captivating protagonists, capable of capturing the reader’s imagination from the very first page.

Chapter 2: Unearthing Clues

At the heart of the private investigator’s role lies the art of deduction. With a keen eye for detail and an uncanny ability to connect seemingly unrelated dots, they uncover the clues that propel the narrative forward. These clues may be concealed in the most inconspicuous of places, requiring a perceptive mind to unearth them.

Chapter 3: Navigating Moral Gray Areas

One of the intriguing aspects of private investigators in crime fiction is their willingness to navigate the moral gray areas. While they may operate within the boundaries of the law, their methods can often be unconventional. This ethical ambiguity adds depth to their character, raising questions about the fine line between justice and vigilantism.

Chapter 4: Complex Characters and Relationships

Private investigators are not immune to the complexities of the human condition. Their personal lives are often entangled with their professional pursuits, resulting in intricate and multi-dimensional characters. Readers are drawn not only to the mysteries they solve but also to the personal battles they wage.

Chapter 5: Resolving the Unsolvable

In the world of crime fiction, private investigators are the last bastion of hope when all seems lost. They take on cases deemed unsolvable, offering a glimmer of redemption and closure to those in despair. It is this unwavering commitment to justice that makes them iconic figures in the genre.


In conclusion, the role of a private investigator in crime fiction is a tapestry of intrigue, moral dilemmas, and unrelenting determination. These enigmatic characters have the power to captivate readers, taking them on a thrilling journey through the darkest corners of the human psyche. As crime fiction continues to evolve, the private investigator remains a timeless and indispensable figure in the genre, forever committed to unveiling the truth.

Rules for Writing Detective Stories

photo of person taking down notes

There are known rules for writing detective stories to be published in the crime fiction genre. The following ten rules I have found are required.

1. A reader must have the same opportunity with the investigator for solving the crime.  All the clues must be plainly stated and reported.

2. No deliberate tricks or dishonesty may be placed on a reader other than those performed legitimately by the perpetrator on the detective.

3. There must be no love engagement.  The profession in hand is to bring a perpetrator to the bar of justice, but not to bring a lovelorn pair to their wedding day.

4. The detective themselves, or one of the official police investigators, should never turn out to be the offender.  This is plain trickery, on a par with offering someone a penny for a ten-pound note.  It’s false pretences.

5. A detective novel must have a detective in it, and a detective is not a detective unless he or she detects. Their purpose is to collect clues that will ultimately lead to the person who did the dirty work in the first chapter being apprehended. If the detective does not reach their conclusions through an investigation of those clues, he has no more solved the problem than the pupil who gets their answer out of the back of the arithmetic textbook.

6. There frankly must be a corpse in a detective novel. No lesser crime than murder will suffice.  A couple of hundred pages is far too much bother for a crime other than a murder, or a few.  After all, the reader’s task and investment of energy must be rewarded.

7. The puzzle of the crime must be solved by naturalistic means. Such methods for learning the truth as slate-writing, ouija-boards, mind-reading, spiritualistic seances,  crystal-gazing, and the like, are taboo.  The reader has a chance when matching his wits with a typical detective, but if they must compete with the world of ghosts and go chasing around metaphysics, they are surely defeated.

8. There must be only one detective — that is, but one protagonist.

9. The offender must turn out to be a person who has acted a more or less prominent part in the story (antagonist) that is, a character with whom the reader is familiar and in whom they take an interest.

10. The butler should not be made by the author as the culprit. This is begging the question; it is a too easy solution.  The culprit must be a decidedly worth-while person — one that would not ordinarily come under suspicion.

Do you know any more?

Request for Beta Readers

The Krugerrand Conjecture is a story about a private investigator in the UK. Between late 2014 and 2016, many gold counterfeits appeared and multi-million pound losses incurred. Tungsten is such a close match for weight and density that a gold plated Tungsten coin or bar would pass the tests for validity. So, detecting a Tungsten counterfeit was guesswork, or conjecture.

The novel includes murder, arson, theft, prostitution and blackmail. Please pick a format in which you want to read; I have it in Apple eBook and PDF formats. If there is another format you wish, then please let me know.

My Beta reading guide:
1. The novel is Crime fiction, Hard-boiled Detective Mystery, so if you do not read or like these genres, please say so, and I will not expect you to read.
As you are a Beta Reader, you’re helping me to strengthen my story. I’m happy for you to critique any difficulties you have in character descriptions, locations or in following or losing interest in my work.

2. If you discover you have questions, or comments, or are finding difficulty in comprehending the story, please let me know quickly, by email, or message on this post.

3. If you find the story uninteresting or any other reason develops why you no longer wish to read, please inform me why you’ve lost interest, or don’t have the time. After which I won’t expect you to read any further.

4. This novel is 72,500 words, and it hasn’t been line edited by a professional, yet. On the basis my software shows the word count should take 6 hours to read, I’m happy for a month to elapse, for you to read my work.

5. My story is a first person narration from Blake Logan, the Protagonist, and set over the first full week in August 2015. It’s structured in days. So obviously, the first day is Monday the 3rd August 2015, and I spread out the story over the week until Saturday 8th. I’ve set the aftermath of the events on a Saturday in December 2015.

6. Please contact me when you reach the page showing the day of the week has changed, and I’ll ask questions related to your understanding of my story, and receive your general feedback. I think one of the following methods: a phone call, FaceTime or a Zoom Meeting is a best way of me finding your answers and receiving your comments, so please take your pick.6.

7. Copyright enforces me to ask you not to supply my novel to anyone else without my approval.

My Writing Process

My novel did start its way by pantsing. I got to about 14000 words and lost my way. It was at this time I sat back and thought I should outline, and do some research into the subject areas within my story.
Firstly I did a Creative writing course on Udemy and found out my English was fairly bad. That needed some work and practice. My comma splices were plentiful but that got corrected by sentence diagrams which I learned through the English Grammar Revolution.

As my intended protagonist was a private investigator; I did a foundation course on being a private investigator by Rockwell Private Investigators.
Being sure my P.I. was going to encounter dead bodies; I did a Forensic Science and Profiling course, that was very interesting and cheap as I got it from GroupOn.

While all this was going on, I researched what was favourable about Shakespeare and why his work is still popular after four hundred years. I came across the rhythm of English and the Iambic pentameter, that was used by William Shakespeare, the master of the Iam.
I also looked at memorable characters in movies and tv and why they were so accepted. For instance; Basil Fawlty, the worst, hateful owner of a hotel in history, but he was admired so much, why?

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